Kevin Snow
Bismarck State College
First Class Lineman, Marblehead Municipal Light Dept. (APPA Member)
Kevin Snow read about EPCE’s online energy education programs in an American Public Power Association (APPA) newsletter and immediately decided to pursue one of those degrees. Back in the 1990s, Kevin had pursued a different Associate’s degree but didn’t quite finish it. When he enrolled in the online Electric Power Technology (ELPW) program at Bismarck State College, he was able to transfer the general education credits from his previous college to the EPCE/BSC program.
For Kevin, the flexibility provided by the online courses was a key component in his successful college career. “Whether it was 2am or 5pm, my classes were available for me, allowing me to budget my time for family, work and school activities.”
Kevin noted that having co-workers with knowledge of the industry was a big plus while taking the courses. “Being able to bounce questions off of people I worked with helped me along the way.”
In his online courses, Kevin made a lot of friends all over the country. They learned from each other and even showed him a few tricks of the trade. One of his online classmates even travels to Marblehead every couple years, so they’re planning to get together during one of the next trips.
Having completed his degree, Kevin has caught the education bug. He is considering completing that other Associate’s degree he started in the 90s. He also plans on continuing with his Bachelor’s degree after taking a little time off. Kevin says, “I will continue with an online program because it works for me.”