Matt Mossholder
Excelsior College
Security Analyst, PJM Interconnection
Today, with the ever prominent risk of cyberattacks, keeping your knowledge and skills up to date is vital to staying at the forefront and one step ahead. As a Security Analyst for PJM Interconnection, Matt Mossholder understands the criticality of his position. “I help monitor and protect my organization’s computers and network systems,” Matt said, adding, “I’ve been doing it for 15 years.”
Matt noted that he grew into his position organically, but never had a complete college education. Therefore, when he learned about an online Cybersecurity program through Excelsior College, he knew it would be a great match. “I actually first learned about the program from a plexiglass table top display in our employee cafeteria. The program was perfect since it’s exactly what I do,” Matt said. Matt was able to take advantage of PJM’s tuition reimbursement as well to help cover the costs of his education.
Matt started his program in the summer of 2014, and projects he’ll earn his Master of Science in Cybersecurity in the spring of 2018. Matt noted, “I had some credits coming in from previous attempts at college, which has helped. What’s great about the program I’m in is that it’s a combined Bachelor’s and Master’s program – when I come out, I’ll have a Master’s in Cybersecurity.”
One aspect of Excelsior College’s online program Matt has really enjoyed is the class schedule format: “They do split terms, so I’ve been able to take four eight-week classes per term. I also have the option to do fifteen-week classes, depending on my workload.” Matt also liked the structure of the classes. “You know when all of your assignments will be due, so you can work out a schedule to complete things that works the best for you. I do recommend being proactive, creating a schedule, and sticking to it to make sure you get everything done.”
Even though he hasn’t earned his degree yet, he’s already seen the benefits of the knowledge he’s gained in his current position. “I definitely feel it’s helped me round out my knowledge, while providing relevant information to help me keep my company protected.”